1.男孩对女孩说:“如果你愿意,我愿意!!!”(暗语你猜出来了吗?) 2.今天我也当了回“HR”!我看了半天,对乌龟说:“你们谁先动我就买谁!”(HR=猎头) 3.去闲逛,小凤与同学走失,突然商场广播响起:“请小凤小朋友速到二楼广播台,你妈妈在找你……” 4.提问:哈尔滨停水4天,要赶上拉肚子了怎么办? 回答:你工作了没?那就去单位拉! 你上学了没?那就去学校拉! 你有朋友吗?那就去朋友家拉! 你有亲戚吗?那就去亲戚家拉! 你有车吗?那就去野外拉! 你会冬泳吗?那就去松花江拉! 如果以上全不通过,请拉在自己的裤兜里,找个热乎地方烘干,四天后洗裤子!
7.now is not a good time to do business! Old man asked, why? Little girl replied, "Avian influenza."
8.everyone who dares to criticize the handsome guy from Qingchen or the handsome guy from Yuhao will be dragged out and beaten up! They'll have their eyes gouged out, their hair pulled out, and their faces splashed with sulfuric acid!
9.this weekend I won't accept any gifts; I only accept mineral water! The boy held a bottle of Huiyuan mineral water in his hand - my eyes are only on you!!
10.at the end of class, if you're absent, your final grade will be deducted by 50 points! When he reached "older brother," he suddenly skipped over it; so he shouted loudly: "Teacher, you missed one!" The old teacher looked down and said: "There isn't any..."