
1.在追求苗条身材的征途上,虽然前方漫长且孤独,但幸运的是,有着无数食客为我提供温暖的庇护。2.鸡腿,它们是鸡儿奔跑的动力,所以一旦它们被我享用,那就相当于进行了一次全面的运动健身了!3.为何要不懈努力?为了在你忙碌地夹菜时,你周围的人都不会敢轻易转移自己的座位。4.冰箱真是一个神奇的存在,它不仅能将水果和蔬菜保存整整一个星期,还能再次“生”出更多新鲜食物来。5、蒜香四溢,葱香扑鼻,芥末独辣,那根直达心头的小辣筋。唯有辣椒,它不是凡人,只需轻轻一挥手,就能让你的前门和后门都沐浴在它那炙热的光芒中6.some people may look plump at first glance, but in reality, they are quite agile and flexible; just watch them expertly use their chopsticks to pick up the floating balls in a hot pot7., with wealth comes power; once upon a time when I saw this phrase, I thought that one day I would become that wealthy person; now however, all I desire is to be a ghost8.your phone, whether it's domestic or imported, an original or a copy , can be confidently exchanged for a stainless steel basin9.to those who are hesitant about parking fees, fuel costs and tolls on the road ahead of me; selling your car might be the best solution - it's far beyond your means! Why not consider switching to an electric bicycle instead?10.as we grow older, what we yearn for most isn't "I love you" anymore - it seems more like "you've lost weight"; and even more so than that is hearing "you're so tiny now" - as if you don't belong to this age group at all; yet above all else, there's nothing sweeter than receiving money transfers and being told "check your account!"
