杨紫璐微博秀红唇妆 “王俊凯”难抵魅力 小编点评:黑色烟熏妆非常具有层次感,深黑色烟熏不但增加眼睛的深邃感,同时还让眼神显得更加烟雾迷蒙,一抹娇艳的红唇让人百看不厌。杨紫璐白皙的肌肤非常衬这款明艳的大玫红。
杨紫璐微博秀红唇妆 “王俊凯”难抵魅力 小编点评:适当地利用基本色咖啡瑟眼影,覆盖于眼线和双眼皮位置,这样可以让眼线变得柔和。微微拉长的眼线也将眼睛的妩媚感最大化了。
杨紫璐微博秀红唇妆 “王俊凯”难抵魅力 小编点评:杨紫璐张这酷似李小璐的脸蛋非常精致,简单甜美的妆容衬托出杨紫璐清新的气质。
Yang Zixuan's Weibo Showcases Her Red Lipstick Look: "Wang Junkai Can't Resist" Small Editor Review: The black smoky makeup has a very layered effect, the deep black smoky eyes not only increase the depth of the eyes but also make the eye expression appear more misty and dreamy, a touch of bright red lipstick is irresistible. Yang Zixuan's fair skin is perfectly matched with this vibrant red lip color.
Yang Zixuan's Weibo Showcases Her Red Lipstick Look: "Wang Junkai Can't Resist" Small Editor Review: Appropriately using basic coffee eyeshadow to cover eyeliner and double eyelid areas makes eyeliner soft. Slightly extending eyeliner maximizes the charm of her eyes.
Yang Zixuan's Weibo Showcases Her Red Lipstick Look: "Wang Junkai Can't Resist" Small Editor Review: Yang Zixuan with her face similar to Li Xiang looks extremely refined, simple sweet makeup highlights Yang Zixuan's fresh and youthful atmosphere.
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