为什么说这Cold humor so appealing?
人们对于幽默有一种天然的偏好,这可能与我们的大脑对新奇事物的吸引有关。在人类历史中,幽默一直是一种重要的手段,用以缓解紧张、减轻压力,并且增进社会关系。而Cold humor,即所谓“冷笑话”,则是在这一传统基础上发展起来的一种特殊形式,它通常涉及到某些严肃或敏感的话题,但却用一种轻松愉快的方式进行描述。
How do cold jokes work their magic on women?
What are some examples of short, funny jokes for girls?
The Importance of a Good Hair Day
A girl wakes up late and rushes to get ready for her date. As she's running out the door, she trips and spills coffee all over her shirt. Her friend consoles her by saying, "Well at least your hair looks great!" The girl replies with a smile, "That's what I'm counting on!"
Love in the Time of Technology
A man asks his girlfriend if he can take a selfie with her while they're on vacation together. She agrees but tells him that he has to make it look like he just surprised her with something amazing. So when the photo is taken, he screams "I love you!" as if it was an unexpected declaration.
Feminine Wiles
A woman walks into a library and asks the librarian where she might find books about Pavlov's dogs and Schrödinger's cat.
The librarian thinks for a moment before answering,
"You'll find them next to each other in fiction."
A Tale of Two Friends
One day two friends were walking through the forest when one said to the other:
"I never realized how beautiful nature is."
His friend replied:
"Ah! If only you could see it through my eyes."
Love Potion No 9 (Not Really)
Two men walk into a bar; one yells 'Beer!' and the other yells 'Real beer!'
They then proceed to fight over who got served first.
Beauty is in the Eye...of Your Makeup Artist
When asked what makes someone beautiful, an artist replied:
"It takes skillful hands – or should I say skilled brushes?"
One Line Love Poem? Sure! Here You Go...
A couple sat down at dinner one night
When suddenly there was this bright light
It illuminated their tableware so bright
That they had no choice but stare
Giggle While You Still Can...
Why did Cinderella refuse to play poker?
Because she always had a fairy tale ending!
And Last But Not Least - About That Special Someone In Your Life...
What do you call two rabbits getting married?
Mr & Mrs Hopsalot!
Of course!
10 #10 - On Being Funny Without Losing Your Dignity...
A young lady once walked into Starbucks wearing nothing but lingerie.
She ordered coffee and told me not to tell anyone.
I didn't tell anyone...
11 #11 - Laughter Is Always Best Medicine...
What do you call people who live in glass houses?
People who live in glass houses!
12 #12 - And Lastly... Laughter Creates Bonds!
Two snails are racing towards each other from opposite sides of an empty road.
As they approach each other, both stop momentarily facing forward,
then turn around simultaneously & continue racing off again -
in opposite directions!
13 #13 - The Ultimate Joke For Women Everywhere!
Why did Eve leave Adam? Because she wanted more space!