



"老板问员工‘你有没有遇到过困难?’员工回答说‘我曾经尝试过跳水,但结果很糟糕,我现在只在办公室里跳水 Cooler。’"






5."狗走进酒吧, bartender ask 'what can I get you?' dog replies, 'beer'."

这个故事讲述的是一只狗进入酒吧,并且请求喝啤酒。这是一个典型的情境 comedy,因为它结合了两个通常不相关的事物——动物(狗)和人类活动(喝酒)。这样的对比常常能够带来喜剧效果,因为它挑战我们的预期,使人们感到惊奇和好奇,同时也引起他们内心的一丝微妙的不安或羞愧感。

6."A man walked into a library and asked the librarian, 'Do you have any books on Pavlov's dogs and Schrödinger's cat?' The librarian replied, 'It rings a bell but I'm not sure if it's here or not.'"

7."A woman gets off an elevator in her high-rise office building and turns to her companion with a smile saying, 'I love this building!' He looks at her quizzically and asks why she loves it so much. She replies with glee, 'Because every time I go up in an elevator, it goes down!'"

8."The teacher asked the students to write their names on their desks using only one hand while standing on one leg."

9."One day a man decided to start his own business selling lemonade from a stand near the beach. His sign read: Lemonade - 50 cents per cup; Beer - $5 per cup."

10."One day John said to Peter,'Peter do you like my new car?'. Peter replied,'Yes John your new car is very beautiful.' John then asked,'How did you know my name was John?'. Peter smiled and said,'Well your car had license plates that read J-O-H-N'".

11."A guy walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says," A beer please!" The bartender looks at him puzzled and says," Sorry buddy but we don't serve food here". The guy replies," Oh sorry about that... Here's what happened..."

12."A man walked into a bar with two horses in tow. One horse was limping badly.

13."The first thing they say when they wake up in the morning is...'Thank God I'm alive!' Then they spend the rest of their lives trying to prove it."

14.'"Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlivable life.'

15.'"If everyone threw away trash after use as people should throw away things that are no longer useful.'

16.'"Smile often because life is short but sweet for those who smile often.'"

17.""When someone tells me something isn't possible i usually just tell them how i accomplished what they thought was impossible.

18.""Life begins at 40 but so do fallen arches, golf handicaps, married children, old friends who act like strangers... "

19.""I used to think getting older would teach me patience but instead I've learned how impatient younger people can be when waiting for older people..."

20.""In order for us all to live happily ever after we must first survive dreadfully well during our lifetimes..."

