The Feeling Is Mutual心照不宣

The Feeling Is MutualThere were two people who went together on a blind date. After a while, they were so bored. It was a very boring blind date. Suddenly a friend of his called him on the phone, so he stepped away from the table in the restaurant,went outside and talked with the friend for a while. After he came back, he said to his female blind date, “I’m sorry, my grandfather has died. I have to go.” So the woman, who was very understanding, said, ¨Oh, of course, of course! That’s very good because if your grandfather didn’t die, mine must die.”心照不宣 有一对男女参加相亲约会,过了一会儿,他们感到好无聊,这场相亲约会真是无聊透了。突然间,那个男的接到朋友打来的电话,于是他起身离开餐桌,走到外面和那位朋友谈了一会儿。他回去后,就向那位和他约会的女士说:「真抱歉,我祖父过世了,我得走了。」那位女士深表理解地说:「噢,当然、当然!太好了,如果不是你的祖父死了,就得换我的祖父死了。」
