







farmer, who was sitting in the audience, couldn't resist raising his hand. The moderator saw him and asked for his question. "What is the best way to grow a healthy crop?" he asked.

The young scholar looked at him with disdain and said confidently, "It's simple! Just use modern technology and advanced techniques."

Farmer thought for a moment before responding calmly, "That may work for you city folks, but I've been doing it this way for years: just give it some water, sunshine and love. And voila!"

The crowd burst into laughter as they realized that despite their vastly different backgrounds and levels of education, both men had valid points.


This humorous exchange highlights the beauty of reverse humor. It shows us that even though we may come from different walks of life or have varying levels of knowledge on a particular subject matter, we can still find common ground to laugh together.

As humans beings living in such diverse societies today,

we could all learn something valuable from these two characters.

For instance,

even though one might be more educated than another,

the other person's experiences

and practical know-how are equally important.

And sometimes,

it takes someone like Farmer John

to remind us not to forget where our roots are planted!

So here's to the humble farmer

and his clever son-in-law:

two people who show us that no matter how big our differences are,

there is always room for laughter and understanding between us.

From now on whenever you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed by your daily routine,

just remember Farmer John’s wise words:

"Give me some water,

a little bit of sunshine (not too much),

and lots of love..."

And don’t forget to share them with others!

For there is nothing quite like sharing laughter among friends

to bring people together in this crazy world we live in!
