国内首档少儿燃动冰雪成长类节目《大冰小将》将于2月23日(周六)晚20:30播出第七期。上期节目,高能特训和迎战赛场劲敌让大冰小将队离冰球梦又近了一步,此时的小将们特别需要来自家人的鼓励与支持。为了给小将以惊喜,本周易烊千玺、武大靖邀请到小将的父母们组成“冰爸冰妈”队,与小将们打一场“亲情友谊赛”,家长们更为小 将悄悄准备了神秘礼物,充满温情和惊喜的团聚时刻即 将到来。
“Ice Dad Ice Mom” Team Brings Warmth and Surprises to the Training Ground
As the training camp progresses, the young trainees are eager for a reunion with their families. To bring joy to the young athletes, Yixian and Wu Dasheng specially arranged for their parents to join them in training, forming an "Ice Dad Ice Mom" team that will compete against the young athletes in a friendly match. Before they receive this surprise on the field, Wu Dasheng has already led the parents to prepare more mysterious gifts for their children.
The first surprise is "the taste of home," where parents cook their children's favorite dishes. The faces of these happy parents are filled with joy as they await this moment when they can see how much joy it brings to their children.
Apart from tasting home-cooked meals, thoughtful parents also brought personalized gifts that left different reactions among each child: Pian Qingran didn't open his box immediately but guessed what was inside - he was right; Wang Zhongtong transformed from a tough guy into a softie upon receiving his gift; Mao Bingze couldn't let go of his gift and even worried about losing it... These moments filled with happiness warmed everyone's hearts.
Meanwhile, Yixian watched over these heartwarming scenes while making sure no one felt left out or forgotten. When some children were overwhelmed by homesickness or had mixed emotions about receiving gifts from home, Yixian comforted them by saying that they would soon be reunited with their loved ones at home.
On another note, Lei Jiaoyun tried calling his trainees but found himself being ignored instead of receiving warm responses as expected. His calls were met with indifference like "Who is this?" or even laughter from others who teased him about not knowing who he was anymore since he hadn't been around recently enough.
With all these surprises waiting ahead - will there be any unexpected reactions when small fry discovers family members' arrival? How do houseparents care for every little detail? What kind of competition awaits between houseparents and small fry on stage? Don't miss our latest episode on February 23rd (Saturday) at 8:00 PM on Zhejiang TV!
标签: 猜字谜语大全及答案 、 一秒笑翻全场的笑话 、 脑筋急转弯3-10岁 、 儿童谜语大全3一6岁 、 爆笑版脑筋急转弯