由华纳兄弟影片公司发行的DC超级英雄电影《闪电侠》(The Flash)今日重磅发布中国独家预告片及中国独家电影海报,大量全新画面首度曝光,为观众奉上独属于《闪电侠》的视听体验和情感冲击。为了重获母爱,闪电侠一路穿越时空,却在无形中摧毁了宇宙秩序。于是他集结蝙蝠侠、超女等新老英雄对战超强宿敌,一场反套路、不一样的超级英雄盛宴就此震撼开启。《闪电侠》将于6月16日以2D/CINITY/IMAX/DolbyCinema/CGS中国巨幕版本与北美同步上映。
在这支中国独家预告片里,此flash决定穿越时空,回到过往拯救母亲。在过去的时空里,flash与日思夜想的母亲深情相拥,一家人团聚的温馨与暖意爬上心头。但就在此刻,flash透过窗户看到了这个时空中的自己,幽默无厘头的故事在初次相遇的两位flash之间爆笑上演!同时,一场劫难正悄然发生,而反派佐德将军发起进攻,并扬言:“这个世界必须灭亡。”于是,这两个时间中的superhero决定联手蝙蝠侣、super girl合力出击,与正义展开激烈对抗!
此外今日同时发布的是关于该影片的一张新的海报,那是一幅充满活力的画面,其中包括eddy thompson(barry allen)和his mother玛丽·艾伦(martha kelly),他们紧紧拥抱着彼此,在背景中有一个广阔而宁静的大自然景色,以这种方式展示了一种家庭之爱和复原性的主题。此外,还可以看到其他角色如batman, supergirl, the joker and many more they are all united in a battle for truth and justice. The flash's speed force is shown off as he zooms through the landscape with lightning bolts illuminating his path.
This new poster offers a fresh look at the film's visuals, showcasing not only eddy but also other characters like batman and supergirl. It highlights their unity in fighting against evil forces that threaten their world. The flash's speed force is demonstrated by his swift movements across the landscape, accompanied by flashes of lightning.
The film focuses on personal relationships rather than grand-scale action scenes or epic battles between good vs evil. Instead, it delves into themes of love and family which resonate deeply with audiences worldwide.
As described by Christina Hodson (screenwriter), "ordinary superheroes are cautious and guarded because they must remain strong and invulnerable; but flash is different – he has love and humor combined with self-deprecation". This approach to character development allows viewers to connect emotionally with the story on a deeper level.
With its unique blend of humor, heartwarming moments, an interesting take on superhero conventions - this movie promises to be an exciting addition to DC’s cinematic universe!
标签: 脑筋急转弯一百个 、 冷笑话精选段子 、 哄女生的笑话段子 、 100种坑人套路脑筋急转弯 、 又幽默又搞笑的谜语