accompany him through the years, witness his growth and maturity, support him in building a life from scratch, and stand by him till old age together.
Refusing all invitations, I'd rather not see anyone else's scenery except for you.
Time flees so swiftly; I've neglected my waiting in its haste to leave me with too many lingering yearnings for what has gone by. The fading silhouette carries away more of my tenacity than I can bear to let go of now.
7., once we thought our love would last forever, even until the end of the world.
8., it is because you are with me that I have found the feeling of happiness within my ideal.
9., realizing one's dreams is far more resplendent than dreaming on a bed.
10., when your talent cannot sustain your ambition, then take time to learn and grow.
11., if reincarnated again, remember to avoid me this time around.
12., people notice your every move and you open up readily; they think it's openness but actually it stems from loneliness born out of solitude syndrome.
13.. Mistakes won't be repeated; hurtful actions won't be loved again.
14.. Though insignificant in this world compared to others' eyes,
15.. Envy those who lived in their times—whether they loved or not,
16.. How much do I wish you could become a small doll that fits inside my pocket?
17.. That familiar name which once held such importance now seems beyond reach.
18.. May there always be some part where we're together on life's journey ahead!
19.. Sorry for not cherishing you well enough; thank you for making me feel like someone special once upon a time.
20.."I may not give you everything under the sun," but "my entire world belongs to just us two."
21.."I fear nothing as much as seeing tears fall from your eyes."
22,, sometimes thinking our lives are too short yet insufficiently long
23 .. As if longing like galloping horses since parting,
24 . This is truly an optimal period in life: health intact,
25 ., focus on becoming better yourself before seeking perfection elsewhere;
26 . My hope remains constant - saying goodnight would still belong only to you,
27 . There will always be regrets no matter how many times we replay history — Nine Yue (from "匆匆那年")
28 . In this world full of unspoken words: Can't stay with me? Won't leave? Don't go... Finally choking out: It doesn’t matter; just leave already — leaving alone isn’t so bad either.
29 ., marriage facilitates personal evolution,
30 .. Those who love us will follow any command without question while strangers abandon us at just one farewell word
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