5.一场繁华交错,一段寂静收场。二 月再见。
10.每个人眼中的我都各异,只有自己知道那份痴狂般地追求,是多么地愚蠢。在这个世界上,你总是无法做到让所有人满意。你只是我的梦里的一抹颜色,在醒来之后,你便会消散在晨雾之中— 二年末了,我们分手,而三年将带给你新的希望和勇气。
11.those that will eventually trap you, always start with a beautiful beginning.
12.three months, originally as peach blossoms and pomegranates, but this year's lingering winter seems particularly strong.
13.three months, let us bravely face the new season with courage and smile to bid farewell to February.
14.the sadness of spring is when even if you are beautiful, I cannot go see you.
15.time exposes lies and changes distances, reveals true hearts - goodbyes in February.
16.you are still the hero of my legend but no longer mine - goodbye in February
17.standing in March's wind I think back on October's past life and present — what a journey!
18.february winds blow away my sorrows while march rains dampen my mood — alone on the island of memories wandering through old sorrowful places
19.your castle within your heart belongs to whom? Goodbye in february Hello in March
20.everything is new again! Let the rain wash away your sorrows so they can spread like spring breeze carrying all our thoughts into thin air
21.everything is a fresh start!
22.to you who arrives in March: may all your happiness be genuine; may you soon experience this world's deep malice then begin an easygoing life chasing after someone else’s love
23.habituated is such a powerful word; it can replace every unsaid thing — goodbye feb hello mar
24.months pass by above me; our feelings have faded like moonlight chasing after dreams that vanish at dawn unable to sleep until night falls long and day stays bright Farewell Feb Welcome Mar
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