


在接受媒体采访时,宁镜坦言:“我一直觉得这个名字听起来有些平淡,所以决定换一个。我喜欢一些带有‘娥’或‘莎莎’音节的名字,它们给人一种独特而现代的感觉。” 她提到自己曾经梦想中的名字是“宁莎莎”,这种风格既洋气又迷人。

当询问她的工作计划时,寧鏡表示 herself ready to step behind the camera as a director. Although this plan has been in the works since 2007, it was put on hold due to an unsatisfactory script. Now, she is determined to find a story that will captivate audiences and bring her vision to life.

As for her music career, Ning Jing plans to release a single during the Olympic year of 2008. It seems that this actress-turned-director has her hands full in the coming year!

With such exciting changes in store for Ning Jing, fans can't help but wonder what other surprises she has in store for them. Will we see more of her on screen or will she continue to push boundaries as a filmmaker? Only time will tell!
