
如果你要做近视手术,你会关注什么?当然是价格啦!2023年杭州近视手术价格曝光,原来做全飞秒、半飞秒、全激光、ICL晶体植入术是这个价格,不要再被坑啦!杭州做近视手术多少钱?其实跟大家选择的手术种类挂钩,我们一起来了解杭州目前主流的四种近视手术分别在怎样的价格区间。 2023年杭州近视手术价格如下:

蔡司全飞秒 SMILE全名「小切口飞秒激光基质透镜切除术」,飞秒激光是以脉冲形式运转的红外线激光,切除了一个透镜式的角膜片状组织,随后在角膜瓣边缘做2-4mm弧度的边缘切口,取出角膜透镜组织。因此,对于整个瓣周而言基本保持无切口。


半飞秒 Half Wavefront-guided LASIK,又叫作半波前LASIK,其方法就是在角膜上用飛秒激光做一个带蒂的角膜瓣,将其掀开,然后在暴露出来的角膜基质床上进行准分子激光切削,并将已修复过的地方重新覆盖回去。

2023年杭州半飛秒(Half Wavefront-guided LASIK)near-sightedness surgery price: The cost of half wavefront-guided LASIK in Hangzhou varies, with the ordinary half-wave laser eye surgery costing around 15,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan per eye, and personalized half-wave laser eye surgery priced between full wave and half-wave.

全激光 Laser Intrastromal Corneal Ring (ICR) Surgery,全激光是一种使用准分子激光来改变眼睛形状以纠正远处对象清晰度问题的一种技术,它通过创造微小但精确的小孔来改善眼睛形状,从而减少或消除远距离看物体模糊的问题。

2023年Hangzhou full laser nearsightedness surgery price: Full laser surgeries are generally less expensive than other types of treatments, with prices ranging from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

ICL晶体植入術 Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL), this is a surgical procedure that involves placing a small lens made of collagen copolymer material into the front part of your eye to improve vision quality.

The cost for ICL in Hangzhou can vary depending on the specific type and brand used but typically falls within the range of tens or even hundreds thousand yuan for both eyes combined.

When choosing an operation you cannot only consider the cost factor. Preoperative examination is crucial as it provides assurance and basis for nearsightedness surgery. In Hangzhou's Huaxia Eye Hospital preoperative examination includes visual acuity tests, external examinations and anterior segment examinations, retinal examinations, intraocular pressure measurements corneal topography map measurements corneal thickness measurements etc., which usually takes more than an hour to complete. Any one step must pass before being qualified for nearsightedness surgery; then based on reports from these tests doctors will give advice tailored to each patient about their best-suited treatment plan; after which they communicate with patients ultimately determining their final surgical approach.

In addition consider your budget too! Although each institution's pricing for nearsightedness surgeries is independently set by them—high or low—and different times have various promotions but overall it follows market trends' ascending order: whole-laser < semi-laser < whole-fly-second < ICL crystal implantation so choose according to your own financial conditions among suitable operations types

Where should you go for nearsightedness surgeries in Hangzhou? Huaxia Eye Hospital under large publicly traded group "Huaxia" since its founding in 1992 has established over 50 nationwide regular chain clinics gathering many famous ophthalmologists among them chief surgeon Dr.Xu Huanxue who has over twenty years experience in hand-operated ophthalmology along with Dr.Du Xinhua also having more than twenty years experience both holding official certification certificates by Cataract Visumax flying second plus Mel90 quantum system imported from Germany equipped individualized aberration analysis device & iris positioning system inclusive pre-examination consisting up-to-24 items providing professional safe experiences for every friend afflicted by myopia
