
一对富裕的年轻夫妇雇佣了女仆、司机和园丁。女主人怀疑丈夫与美丽的女仆之间有不轨关系,所以经常寻找机会解雇她。一天,先生不在家时,女主人叫女仆过来,说她的菜烧得不好,要她走。女仆说:“可是先生总是说我烧的菜比你好。”female employer was speechless, and had to say it was nothing, telling her to leave. As the maid walked out the door, she turned back and said: "And my bed skills are also better than you!" The female employer angrily slapped the table and said: "Is that what Mr. says too?" The maid replied: "No, it's what the driver and gardener say."
