11.Anything that leaves you is never sudden; it's a slow process of heart turning cold, leaves changing color, stories reaching their end, and love becoming nothing more than disappointment.
12.He might be really busy, but trust me, you're not important enough to bother with.
13.The life we yearn for is one where you're by my side in the future; long-distance relationships are exhausting because there's the determination to walk through it all together with someone who makes enduring the distance worthwhile.
14.Don't make yourself forget about me in places I can't see.
15.Forgotten memories belong to two people only; as soon as one of them forgets, everything loses its meaning and becomes trash.
16.When time erodes your passion for something or someone, you'll realize that those who once drove you mad with longing now seem insignificant.
17.The most embarrassing thing is when someone doesn't even consider you worth their attention and yet you still worry about it so much.
18.I've let go but haven't moved on; I've recovered but haven't healed yet; I want to move on but there's still nostalgia left behind; I've forgotten but there are still memories lingering.
19.Settling for just enough detachment at least won't leave us defeated completely.
20.Loneliness reminds us that we should focus on enriching ourselves instead.
21.Stop checking your phone constantly like it matters – nobody needs or wants your attention this much anyway.
22.May you remain strong and brave as ever, standing tall against the light where life takes shape according to your willful design.
23.Leaving each other won’t kill anyone – only the pain varies in degree between them both
24.You know what? You lie in his arms listening to words he once said about me while smelling his scent-infused shirt filled with remnants of our past affection towards me – painful indeed
25.I always believe that how quickly someone responds depends on how much they care about another person
26.Tears serve as an effective way to release emotions hidden deep within oneself
27.Wishing we could all stay genuine people again too – may fortune smile upon us such that fate brings us together once more
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