
娱乐圈大佬怎么玩明星的?《哈哈哈哈哈》第三季收官,五哈团在祖国“东南西北”告别舞台 “前方的路有多遥远,有你在身旁多耀眼”,由度小满冠名,爱奇艺、腾讯视频联合出品的励志旅行真人秀《哈哈哈哈哈》第三季在5月19日收官!最后两期五ハ团进行了两次“特种兵式”旅行,第十一期五ハ团仅用一天时间靠消耗体力的游戏吃遍了广东顺德美食,最后一期五ハ团抽签两两组队,为各个地方的观众送去了一次意料之外的惊喜~ 疲惫旅程里出现意外笑点 五ハチーム相处主打一个互相伤害 最后两期五ハ團开启了以美食与惊喜为主题的“特种兵式”旅行。在广东顺德,五 ハ團被分成兩隊,通过泥地拔河、抛“ 哈呵呵”的硬币、百米赛跑的形式赢得吃顺德美食的权利,并且综艺之神还悄悄降临在了他们拔河比赛现场。 拔河比赛由邓超和范志毅当队长,他们预定了一位拥有优势的大型运动员陈赫,而鹿晗和王勉见状纷纷加入邓超队伍。比赛开始,由于对面运动天赋过于强盛,大哥们先后落水,在爬上岸的时候还遭遇到了范志毅队伍阻拦。大哥们只能在水中发泄无能为力的怒火。陈赫和鹿晗虽然没有掉入水中,但两人岸上也不得安生,一直到网友评价陈赫那诡异姿势,这场地滑行成了本季高光名场面。 最后一期节目中,他们决定通过打脸喷水游戏决定谁先抽签,每个人都开始盘算起心里的小九九。董宝石与马頔继录制主题曲之后又互怼起来,他们没开始就马頔认输,一口水喷到了董宝石脸上,而王勉好心替说不出话的人做嘴替,却被董宝石喷了一脸;邓超和陈赫这对最佳损友也没有惯着彼此,一对视就破防互相喷对方一身水,不少网友表示这个游戏全程下来赢家与输家看起来都很吃亏。在四地分别抽签做任务时,他们尽显手气参差,只有邓超和王勉穿着短袖短裤,在大雪纷飞中玩泼水成冰,这场四地收官也算是秉承节目的特质之一——从不放弃最难完成的事项。


《HaHaHa_Third Season_ Collection of Golden Moments》

The third season of the variety show "HaHaHa" has come to an end. The five members of the team, known as the "Five Harbingers," have traveled across 17 cities in China, from Qiqihar to Hulun Buir, and from Dalian to Weihai. They have explored ice lakes in winter and tiger gardens in summer, experiencing a wide range of local customs and traditions.

Throughout their journey, they have encountered many ordinary people with extraordinary stories. These encounters have not only brought them closer together but also reminded them of the importance of family and friendship.

The final episode was a special one. The team had been divided into two groups for a game that involved pulling each other through mud pits and racing against each other on a hundred-meter track. The winner would get to enjoy some delicious food from Shunde, Guangdong Province.

In this episode, we saw Chen He's hilarious performance when he tried to win by lying down on the ground and using his body weight to push himself forward. His teammates laughed at him as he struggled to move forward while being pulled by his opponents.

In another challenge, they played a game called "face-to-face water fight." Each member had to decide whether or not
