



sisters’ portraits, one for each. Put your phone down and study diligently.

In today's world, where information is abundant and constantly changing, it has become a priority for many people to learn effectively. For young women with clear career goals but also with confusion about how to achieve them, this is a topic worth considering.

Firstly, we need to recognize that "studying well" doesn't just mean burying your head in books; it means having an all-around learning strategy. This strategy should include self-management, time management, and knowledge acquisition. To implement this strategy effectively requires tools such as apps that help you remember important dates or review materials; or social media platforms where you can create groups with like-minded individuals to share insights and experiences.

Moreover,"putting the phone down" is equally important. Although smartphones offer us immense convenience, if not controlled properly they could be the main cause of low efficiency among other things in our daily lives. In practice we can set aside specific times when we are not allowed to use our phones – during meals or while on the toilet – so as not to let them interrupt your line of thought.

sisters' portraits, one for each person
